
The common cold. Easily one of the cruelest of every-day illnesses: it doesn’t care you’ve been working hard all day and are absolutely shattered. It doesn’t concern itself with the fact that you’re shattered and all you need is a nice long sleep. All it wants out of its sordid little life-span is to make you miserable as hell personified, and it rarely fails to succeed there. Take me for example: right now as I type this I am at the mercy of the common cold. It’s trying to bring me down but I’m not having any of it. In fact, I’m showing IT who’s boss!
OK, I’m not really…But I am doing my damndest and will stop at nothing to give it what for. By that I mean I am sitting upright—the common colds worst enemy is sitting upright, as every sleeper savaged by it knows—and writing my heart out in total silence. That’s the one good thing about having a head full of gunk and a desire to blow your nose every two seconds: you do get a lot done, you know. Mainly because nobody else is awake and so you get left to your own devices–no distractions to take up your mind. Nobody online popping up to have a chat…
If you’re a writer then the common cold is your best friend. With all that time not spent sleeping you can write for hours on end, or, if you live in a place populated by grass eating massive animals, until the cows come home. In the space of one night you can finish that novel, write an entire short story, and all while forgetting you had a cold to begin with! Just don’t stop writing–because that’s when you realize you’re really tired and you just can’t sleep and you still have to sort out that Chalet val thorens booking -