The Law of Attraction - Making It Work For You

You have probably heard of the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics. Basically, the Law of Attraction is a law that is based on getting exactly what you want in life through your thoughts. Sounds bizarre, but actually it is very real.
Everything is energy and vibrates, including us. Everything is flashing in and out of existence and it is through our own thoughts that we are able to observe this energy into observable reality. What we focus on the most, is what we get. Therefore, if you focus your thoughts on money, you will attract money into your reality. If you focus your thoughts on a happy relationship, you will experience that. If you want something in life such as a waist pouch, simply focus on it and you will receive it.
The most important part of using the Law of Attraction is using it the right way. Any type of negative thinking should be replaced with positive thinking. This is because the Law of Attraction is always working and will always give you what you ask for - good or bad. So, if you are constantly thinking that you are broke, you will remain in poverty. However, the minute you shift your focus on feeling abundant and visualizing yourself as prosperous, you will attract abundance.
The universe is full of energy. We are all part of that energy. This energy is always in motion. Therefore, whatever we put out (in our thoughts) to the universe, it sends back to us. There is nothing the universe cannot provide to us. It is through our focused thought that it manifests and is sent to us. Everything in the universe is already available. We simply need to tune into it to receive it.
Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not has no affect on it working. It is always working regardless if you believe in it or not. So, with this in mind, it only makes sense to keep your thoughts focused on what you want and not on what you do not want.