Samsung Wave Review

The Wave is Samsung’s new high spec smart phone. This phone comes with a 1 GHz processor, 5 Megapixel camera, 3.3’’ AMOLED touch screen, HD video player/recorder and Samsung’s own Bada operating system. The first thing you notice about the Wave however is how it looks; it is undoubtedly one of most stylish phones out there. This combined with it being light and shaped for comfort in your hand makes it exciting before you have even switched it on.
Once you start using the phone its speed is very impressive. The processing power means that applications install, open, close and work very quickly and the phone seems to handle all of its applications without long pauses. One of the most impressive of these is the video capture function. The Wave not just captures but also replays HD video of a very high standard. This is all aided by the AMOLED screen. The Wave has the first Super AMOLED screen which is very clear, bright and has vivid colours. The touch sensitivity on the screen is a pleasant surprise too; no touch screen functionality was lost during Samsung’s development of the AMOLED screen.
The only slight disappointment I have found with the Wave has been the limited number of applications available from Samsung Apps. This however can be excused as the Bada operating system is new and so is the application store. This means it is simply a problem of time, hopefully there will be many more applications developed that can fully test the Wave’s impressive specifications.
Overall the Wave is a great phone and for all that it offers it can be got on a range of very reasonable contracts, so no need to resort to contacting any financial advisers uk beforehand. I was so impressed by the Wave in fact that I went out and got one for myself and I would recommend anyone looking for a new phone to strongly consider one.