Cyber Vs Hand-Made

Being someone who knows quite a bit about cyber-art and computer-based technology to make art, I often find myself feeling sorry for the people who can actually paint and draw by hand. The reason for this should be blatantly obvious: although there is no denying that this is a highly important and useful skill for one to posses, in the modern age it simply isn’t rewarded in the same way as graphic design and computer-based art is. Or maybe that’s not quite accurate, after all, plenty of people make a lot of money out of drawing and painting by hand. I guess the real difference is in the fact that there are probably more people making a good living by graphic design and its related fields than by hand-made art. Although many hand-made artists do very well, there are many more who don’t and deserve it. Which is a very sad thing, I happen to think, and I can’t see it changing any time soon.
A hundred years ago, of course, things would have been very different. If you were born a talented artist then then there was a very good chance you would make a large amount of money out of your art and become famous. Not so now. Now, installations and other more “progressive” kinds of art have taken over and continue to lead the way. On one hand it’s good for me because that’s the kind of thing I prefer to do, but on the other…I can’t help but think of all those artists slaving away out there. All those people who don’t just write “ Hovis Bakery “ in horse manure on the floor of a gallery, but instead take many weeks to create a thing of absolute exquisite beauty.
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