Is The World Getting Nastier?

Only yesterday I was thinking about how great it was that I hadn’t read anything depressing in the tabloids, only to find myself on the BBC web-site reading about another murder. Unsolved, no apparent motive, no real evidence. Then, hours later, the murderer was confirmed: he looked just like any other man in so many ways. That thing that people say about people looking like a murderer? It might have been true at one time, but I don’t think it is any more. We’ve just seen so many of them. So often people have looked innocent, only for the tables to turn in a surreal chain of events as the net closes in.
So the question: Is the world getting nastier? Is an interesting one. In many ways it would seem to be, but then, how much of that can be attributed to us being more connected now, and how much can be attributed to any real changes in the last few hundred years?
I actually think, contrary to popular belief, that the world is, in many ways getting better: more awareness about certain things, more communication, and more ways to make a living. On other words, seemingly more control. Yes there are bad things, but look back to medieval times: things were worse then, surely.
It doesn’t matter whether your Free Antivirus Downloads have just saved the day, or you’re looking for a new job. More precautions to ensure your safety are now in place than ever before. I know the news can be depressing and upsetting, but try to remember that fact and it might put a smile on your face.
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